Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
What i learned during the project
This project thought me a lot of useful things. One of things its how to do the blog because it’s my first time. Another thing is that now I know a lot of information about the global warming causes, effects and the meaning of it. On the other hand the blog is so useful for organization and to give your comment about some arguments. I hope I wrote useful information in my blog about global warming.
Best solutions
No global warming solution will succeed unless we can control emissions from cars. If U.S. autos were a separate country, they would be the world’s fifth largest global warming polluter, emitting more than all sources in Great Britain combined!
While there is no technology to remove C02 from a car's exhaust, we can make them pollute less by making them more fuel efficient. By using today's best technology, car makers could dramatically increase the fuel economy of their cars and trucks. In fact, off-the-shelf technology can change the nation’s best-selling SUV, the Ford Explorer, from a 19 mpg gas-guzzler to an efficient 34 mpg vehicle. Gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles, such as the 70 mpg Honda Insight and 55 mpg Toyota Prius, can be used to obtain significant improvements in fuel economy. If we are to make any progress in slowing global warming, we must make our cars go farther on a gallon of gas.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
global warming in the UAE
The dumping of untreated sewage into the sea and global warming are destroying the Gulf's coral reefs, a United Nations report found. The study, called the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities, said the discharge of untreated waste water is the biggest source of pollution in these waters. "Untreated sewage is a big problem that leads to the loss of coral reefs. "But the other problem really is global warming," said Wolf Hilbertz, a Dubai-based German conservationist. Global warming has created difficult conditions for marine fauna and flora, the rising sea levels and the effects of seaward development." Other possibilities in coral reef conservation in the country being looked at include coral reef propagation through advanced technologies.
the effects of human activities in global warming
effects of the global warming

global warming of wasting water in car washing