One of the causes of global warming is that wasting water in car washing. Few people realize that washing our cars in our driveways is one of the most environmentally un-friendly chores we can do around the house. Unlike household waste wa
ter that enters sewers or septic systems and undergoes treatment before it is discharged into the environment, what runs off from your car goes right into storm drains -- and eventually into rivers, streams, creeks and wetlands where it poisons aquatic life and wreaks other ecosystem havoc. After all, that water is loaded with a witch’s brew of gasoline, oil and residues from exhaust fumes -- as well as the harsh detergents being used for the washing itself. I think we can use some ways to reduce wasting in car was hing.

We waste a LOT of water in these societies of ours. Have you heard about the effects of tourism in places like Goa/Thailand/Mexico etc? The huge amounts of water used by tourists' showers and swimming pools has lowered local water tables so much they have to dig three or four times deeper just to get wellwater! As for the "warming" effect. I see it happening, but am not sure the accepted causes and solutions will be much good. I have my suspicions about politicians no matter WHAT side they're from or what they say ... Was just passing and thought I'd say hi. I pressed "next blog..." and up your popped. I'm a blogger too. My main one's called
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Gledwood "Vol 2"
I agree with you. In our societies there is no care about wasting water in many ways. one of them is car washing especially in the car washing station. I think we should put a law for this who wasting water.
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